Sunday, November 16, 2008

Brown rice for breakfast

This concoction came about the other night when I had extra brown rice left over from dinner.
After most meals I am searching for a little something sweet. There was nothing obvious or ready made in the house so I had to be crafty to satisfy my sweet tooth.
I kind of just started looking around kitchen and adding things to the brown rice. Then I started to think about middle eastern deserts like baklava and halva, so I went for sweet, spice and nutty. I have since decided that this can be for breakfast too.

If you have extra time then you can gently toast the sesame seeds and slivered almonds.
Other add-ins could be raisins, currents, dried cranberries, grated apple, walnuts, etc...

Sweet brown rice

1/2 cup of brown rice, cooked
1 tbs agave
1/4 tsp cinnamon, ground
pinch of cardamom, ground
1/8 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp sesame seeds
1 tbs coconut, dry shredded
1 tbs flax seeds
1 1/2 tsp tahini
2 tbs slivered almonds

Stir together and enjoy.

Vanilla tofu cream
1/2 cup of firm silken tofu
1 tbs wax orchard fruit sweet
couple of drops of vanilla
zest of half a lemon

Blend and serve. I usually eat with fruit.
If you don't have fruit sweet you can use honey, agave or whatever else.

1 comment:

DUSKIN said...

wow. when do you find the time for all of this? i'm too busy on the internet..