Monday, March 9, 2009

Wick Fowler's

I am a big fan of spices, rubs and seasoning mixes. It's the easiest way to add flavor with out extra fat and calories. Last week I went on a hunt for a Mexican type seasoning mix that wasn't full of all kinds of weird hard to pronounce ingredients. There aren't many out there but luckily I did end up stumbling upon this one and it wasn't at a specialty food store either.
I think they have made some recent changes to the design on their package because the one I just bought didn't look like this.

Ingredients: Ground Chili Peppers, Salt, Onion, Comino, Garlic, Oregano

Wondering what comino is? It's just a fancy way of saying cumin in Spanish.


1 comment:

Le Bouton said...

comino is cumin, you know it!