Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Driving miss daisy, ruby and olive

I spent this past holiday weekend in Southport, CT with Laura, one of my oldest best friends from high school. It's really a beautiful time of year there with the leaves changing and the weather being particularly perfect. Wanting to take full advantage of the great outdoors we made a plan to take the dogs for a hike and drop by my mom's house in Greenwich on the way. I needed to drop off the thai cream corn soup I had made for her. (recipe for that coming soon)

My mom has an amazing little garden at her house where she and her husband David grow a little bit of everything; fruit, vegetables and flowers. I was particularly excited about the watermelons and David was gracious enough to cut one loose for me to take home.

Since we were already in my mom's neck of woods, quite literally, we decided to take our walk on a trail near her house. We did what the country folk like to call "leaf peeping". The dogs ran ahead while we followed behind walking all the way to the water and back. With only a couple of mosquito bites in the strangest of places we bid adieu to my mom and David and headed off to Laura's favorite yoga class.

On our way back home from fun and slightly sweaty yoga class we stopped at whole foods to pick up...well, actually I am not to sure what we went there to get but we of course left with something sweet! ENTER... Laloo’s. Laura prefaced the introduction with "I know this is going to sound gross because it’s made with goats milk..." followed by "but really it's the best ice cream ever".

I am no Andrew Zimmern so goat’s milk ice cream does strike me a little bizarre but it's ice cream so how bad could it really be? I mean it's not like it was goat’s testicles, which seams to be his favorite dish, icky!

Having tried it I too can now say it actually really is the best ice cream. I am officially converted. I wish I could be more articulate as to what makes it so delicious. After all, this is a food blog and just spent my entire entry talking about my weekend and giving very little insight as to what makes this ice cream special. It must be the goat’s milk or it would just taste like any other ice cream right? I kind of think it's somehow creamier and it just sort of tastes sweeter but in a subtle way. It has a very pure taste. It's kind of ridiculous so JUST GO TRY IT! And of course add some PB2 into the mix.

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