Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Coverflex lids

This is totally not my photo, in fact it was pirated off the website where these are sold.
I kind of figured they wouldn't mind since I am try to help bring them some business.
Laura, my very eco-aware friend, introduced me to these. She doesn't have a shred of plastic wrap, Ziploc bags or aluminum foil in her house. She does compost, has a vegetable garden, drives a Prius and uses her Sigg water bottle. I must admit it's pretty impressive to see this lifestyle actually put into practice on a daily basis. I have a hard time living with out my Ziploc bags, plastic wrap and aluminum foil but I am making an effort to not use as liberally.

These little covers are great because they stretch over just about anything. They are made of silicone, they create a complete leak proof seal and can be used in the fridge, freezer, oven, microwave and dishwasher. I find the small and medium sizes to be the most useful. So rinse and re-use!


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