Thursday, October 30, 2008

Hi my name is Kusum

and I am recovering cheese addict. If you have not yet tried this particular goat's cheese, I highly recommend it. As of this past March my cheese intake has greatly diminished since I finally started eating meat! For 32 years cheese was pretty much my one and only source of protein and FAT too! This goat's cheese is great because it makes pretty much anything creamy and delicious. I find that a tablespoon of Chavrie adds the same creaminess to dishes as a serving of sour cream or heavy cream but has 1/2 the calories and 3/4 less fat. I am not a huge fan of reduced fat products because I just think they is something kind of weird about them so instead I use this cheese wherever I would normally use regular cheese, sour cream or heavy cream (except in your coffee because that would just be gross). Some of my favorite ways to eat Chavrie are with black beans in place of sour cream, on a cracker with some jam, stirred it into tomato soup and with fresh chopped herbs on an omelette.

Nutritional info per serving, 2 tablespoons
Calories 50
Fat 3.5
Cholesterol 20
Sodium 120
Carbohydrate 1
Fiber 0
Protein 3

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