Sunday, December 21, 2008

All I want for Christmas

is this amazing machine! Automatically steams and adds just the right about of milk to your espresso. And you can set that ratio to your specific taste! Grossed out about the idea of milk going rancid in the pipes that deliver that steamy milk to your coffee? Well worry not they have thought of that too. It's self-cleaning, steaming hot water cleans out all the equipment afterward. SO freakin' genius. Too bad it's so expensive. Maybe next year Santa? I'll be good.

Forgot to mention this little beauty is called the Lattissima and is the child of DeLonghi & Nespresso.



JULIA said...

i want one too. i use a moldy old percolator.

zoom zoom zoom said...

well honey that makes two of us.
lemme know when you hit the lottery.

zoom zoom zoom said...
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